Dexter’s Laboratory Porn Story: Dexters MiniCon – Chapter 2
Chapter 2 Rediscovery
Megatron! We have detected a Mini-Con, Demolisher said as the alarms went off in the control room at the Decepticon underwater base on Earth. Ah, thats impossible all the Mini-cons have revealed themselves already. Armada Cyclones said in disbelief working on a consol next to him, Maybe not Cyclones, the Mini-cons can reveal themselves at any time. It is possible that a Mini-con can still be out there. Soundwave said to them controlling the navigation computer.
Megatron was in his Generation 1 armor at the time of the alert. Megatron turned his head to them and said Indeed Decepticons. We must make preparations to retrieve the new Mini-Con. One of the sweeps was in the room and asked But why? All the other mini-cons are liberated we have no more on our side. What is one more going to prove?
Megatron grinned and said One Mini-Con can possibly make all the difference in War. I learned that a long time ago. He then stood up and said Decepticons pin point the exact location of the Mini-Con and be ready to transport. I will be in the back getting ready. He then left the control.
Soundwave was pin pointing the exact location of the Mini-Con as the others were getting ready to leave. Wait a minuet! You werent part of the Micron wars. Why are you coming? Cyclones asked the sweep as they walked toward the warp gate. Maybe not, but that doesnt mean I cant go. Cyclones laughed at him and said I bet you dont even know how to powerlink with a mini-con. Demolisher came beside them and said I think Cyclones is right, you dont have experience with the Mini-cons as we have. The sweep grew angry and said I will get this Mini-con I can prove to you that I can use one. Cyclones just laughed as Demolisher thought he had just lost it.
Just then through the large door walked in Tidal Wave. The large warship transformer walked next them. Cyclones continued to walk with Tidal Wave and said Besides we dont need you anyway. We have this big guy to take care of anything that will come in our way. Tidal Wave walked in the warp gate and said Tidal Wave ready to exterminate intruding Autobots.
Just then Megatron walked back into the room they were in with in his Micron armor. His mini-con leader-1 was behind him. I am sorry, But I am go to have to with Cyclones and Demolisher on this one. Only we know how to wield the power of the Mini-cons. The sweep went in front of Megatron and said Please Megatron let me come along. I can show the superior power of me if I have a Mini-Con. Megatron gave a smirk and said to him You are starting to annoy me! I gave you an order to stay here and I expect you to follow it! Megatron walked right past him.
Demolisher, Cyclones, Tidal Wave and Megatron walked on to the warp gate and waited for Soundwave to teleport them. Warp Gate operational. Ready to teleport to the surface one mile from the human civilization Megaville. He said as he activated the warp gate. The four of them glowed then teleported out of the base.
Why didnt Megatron let me go retrieve the Mini-con? The sweep asked turning to Soundwave. Soundwave continued to work on the computer and responded We are not capable of powerlinking with a Mini-con. Those four are the only ones here capable of powerlinking to a Mini-con in base. The sweep just got angry and left the control room. Soundwave didnt show much care for him or the Mini-con.