Dexter's Lab Porn

Dexter’s Laboratory Porn Story: Chemical Bonding Chapter 10

Dexter’s Laboratory Porn Story: Chemical Bonding Chapter 10


By Lennon Karma, whose scales are satisfied

Lennon Karma is at an impasse. She knows she should finish Brightwing and she really does kinda want to. But then again, she feels boxed into a corner and just wants more than anything to forget it. Help? But to the point. Here’s chapter 10.**Be nice. J
So, once again, I don’t own any of da people, pleez r & r, and enjoy! (Factoid: For anyone who cares, the title is named for the process of a large star dying and turning into a black hole.)

Chapter 10:

Collapse Past Neutron Limit

Wind Bear looked over Ocean Bird’s shoulder in shock. Yes, he had pushed his luck naming his son Susan, but that couldn’t have caused it. Whatever the reason, that just couldn’t be right. Not his son! But there were the words:


You were great last night! For someone who has never been with a boy before, that was impressive. No one has ever kissed me like that before, and I want you to know how much I love you. I don’t care what anyone says about us, I’ll always feel that way. Whenever I see the picture of you in my room, I remember what we have. I’ll see you soon.

Love you,


CEO did his best to simulate Mandark’s personality through his words, and did a convincing job of it, right down to the picture on Mandark’s dresser. He knew that this visual evidence would confirm the letter. CEO returned to his own time satisfied with his work, and sure that this time, Mandark would get what he deserved.

Wind Bear and Ocean Bird were quiet, unsure of how to respond. After a few uncomfortable moments, Wind Bear headed in the direction of Mandark’s room, crossing the threshold he rarely dared to. Mandark’s room was an unknown world, until now. He opened the door with a creak, and finding Mandark asleep he warned himself to silence it. Barely stepping inside the door, he found the heart-shaped cut out of Dexter lying on the top of the dresser. Wind Bear’s face became grave as he turned quickly in a dull horror and shut the door behind him. Returning to Ocean Bird, he put an arm around her. Somehow, she was not as willing to accept this as he was. “Wind Bear, there must be something we can do about this,” she sighed. Wind Bear was not as bothered by it. “What can we do? It’s not hurting anyone, and it’s his life to live.” Even Ocean Bird had to admit to herself that it was true, but it wasn’t enough.

As Olga was getting ready for bed herself, Ocean Bird saw it as a good opportunity to shine some light on the situation. Leaning against the doorframe, she said, “Olga,” in the soft, breathy voice she often used when she wanted to figure something out. “Yes?” answered Olga, in higher spirits than usual. Ocean Bird came silently into the room, and continued, “Do you know anything about this?” she asked Olga, showing her the note. Olga skimmed it, and found herself with mixed feelings. This surprised her that her brother would have the guts to write that, yet it made sense, because she knew about Mandark’s ‘preferences’ from the Douglas scandal. She also had a feeling that Dexter had laid at the root of the matter. Olga picked up on the disturbed tone in her mother’s voice, which made her reluctant to disclose the whole ugly incident. The Little Sisters’ Union would absorb her back into their ranks with pride for this, and her mother clearly wanted the truth. Still, he was her brother, and she didn’t feel right betraying him this way.

“Yes,” she answered grudgingly. “Dexter is some guy in his class. And Mand5Susan was going out with one of my ex-boyfriends.” Ocean Bird’s jaw was ready to drop, but she said nothing. She left for the sanctuary of her room with her cheeks burning in bewilderment. Still, she was determined to stay the liberal mother she was, Ocean Bird forced herself to get over it, which did not come easily. But days later, it was shoved to the back of her mind and lay unconsidered.

Olga, however, could not just forget it. She already knew he was gay, but never gave it full consideration in terms of what it meant for her. What if she was gay, too? Did it run in families? She wasn’t sure, but she hoped not. The fact that her parents obviously weren’t gay, she was more certain that she was straight as well.

The thought hung in her mind in the days that followed. The thought was just strange to her. How could Mandark be gay? She careened through the day in her own world, thinking about Mandark, and his ‘preferences.’ In the blink of an eye, she was sitting at the lunch table with DeeDee across from her. DeeDee lowered an eyebrow, wondering what had taken over Olga’s mind. Only days earlier, she had been bouncing off the walls, absorbed by her ballet routine. Now she stared through DeeDee to the wall behind her. This was not like her. DeeDee finally had to get Olga to open up, let out the reason for the silence. “Olga, what’s up?” she asked trying her best to sound innocent. “You’re quiet today.”

After a couple seconds delay, Olga snapped out of her train of thought and looked back at DeeDee. “Oh, nothing,” she said unconvincingly. DeeDee rolled her eyes. “Oh yeah, I believe that. Now tell me.” Before Olga could hold it back, she told DeeDee the complete truth. “My brother is gay,” she whispered. “And my mom is taking it kinda hard. I’ll admit, it even came as a bit of a shock to me.” DeeDee couldn’t believe what she was hearing. But a sense of relief came with it. She had always feared Mandark had been admiring her from afar, and her friends LeeLee and MiMi had often teased her about it. This was great; now she knew it couldn’t be true. She couldn’t wait to tell them so they would know the truth, too!

Huber Middle School was not a large school; news traveled quickly. By the end of the day, this was common knowledge. The expressions of disgust and scorn began to follow Mandark on his daily route from class to class. The words “homo”, “queer”, and “fag” peppered the conversations of all those near him. These words couldn’t pertain to him. How could they find out? He had kept his feelings so inner.

At home that afternoon, Mandark made up his mind to confront Olga, the sole other who knew his secret. Tapping her shoulder as she began to climb the stairs to her room, he shyly asked, “Um5Do you know why everyone at school keeps calling me a faggot?” He worried that this may have been too direct, but it definitely got the point across. Olga turned slowly, realizing that her carelessness had began to crumble her brother’s ‘social life.’ But he had posed the question in such a way that hinted that he wasn’t onto her. “Maybe they weren’t talking about you. Douglas acts pretty gay most of the time.” She answered, trying to sound as if she knew nothing of it. This was not Olga’s day for lying. Every time she tried, it was uncovered. Mandark’s eyes widened; if he hadn’t guessed already, he saw her guilt plainly now.

“All right.” Olga admitted. “I accidentally told DeeDee, and she must have spread it around. I’m sorry.” Mandark wasn’t mad, he wasn’t even annoyed. She was his sister, and he could forgive her, but he just couldn’t bear the thought of living the truth down. “Olga, you should have known she would tell!” Mandark shot back. He didn’t wait for her answer; he didn’t want one. “Mandark, listen to me! Please!” she pleaded, but found herself talking to his door. She pounded on it, still imploring him to come out.

Finally, he opened the door with an exhausted look on his face. “Mandark, please, listen.” Olga continued. “I really didn’t want anyone to know. It was an accident.” She could see he couldn’t care less how or why it happened; it was simply the fact that it had happened that bothered him. “But it wasn’t just me. I wouldn’t even be thinking about it if mother and father hadn’t found that note you wrote Dexter!” Mandark was completely confused now. Nervously, he asked Olga, “Which one? The one Douglas had?” Olga thought about it, then answered, “No, they found it on the vanity in the bathroom. I’ll get it for you.”

After only reading it once, Mandark was confident that this was not something he had written. “I could never write a letter like this to anyone.” He murmured to himself after Olga had left him alone. But who would do this? It certainly looked like his own handwriting. A bad feeling filled him as he realized the possibilities of what this meant. If CEO knew he had helped #12 escape, he would see revenge fit5

Mandark couldn’t stand to read the words; they only assured him more and more that CEO was out for blood. “How can I now allow this man to hold dominion over me?” The question repeated itself in his mind. Numerous other thoughts accompanied it, such as “Where do I go from here?” and “How can I face anyone?” but most of all, “What’s left for me?” Dexter had kept his distance after school even after promising to meet him. With Dexter stepping out of his life, there was very little remaining.

Mandark decided to pay CEO a visit, and this one would end the rivalry once and for all. “CEO!” he called out, the instant he stepped out of the time machine. Moments later, a door behind him swayed an out came CEO. “Well,” CEO hissed, meeting Mandark eye to eye. “How did everyone like the note I wrote? I thought you might like it.” Mandark held his composure gracefully as CEO laughed in his face. When CEO calmed down, Mandark answered him with, “CEO, meeting you was the worst mistake I ever made, even if it was only a test for my time machine. Now I’m going to test it again. If I transport myself forward past my lifetime, what will happen?”

CEO considered, then suggested, “I guess you just get lost in time. I don’t know what happens.” Mandark looked him valiantly in the eye. “Well, CEO, I’m going to find out.” As Mandark began his way back to the time machine, CEO grabbed his arm. “You’re not serious, are you? I never went to ‘find out!’ I just lived with it all, and look where it put me!” CEO began pleadingly, fearing for his own existence should Mandark die. Mandark only shook his head, saying, “We are one person, and we share the same human body. But I’m not you up here,” Mandark paused, pointing to his head. “I don’t care anymore. I’ll go where it takes me and I’ll deal with it. And I don’t want to see any more people fall victim to your oppression.” Mandark clearly shocked CEO, who couldn’t imagine his former self stepping out of history’s confines.

Pulling free of CEO, Mandark returned to the time machine, and programmed it to transport him to the distant future. And just like that, he was out of CEO’s life.

CEO was filled with panic. What would happen to him now? The world he had known was lost in shadow. Now that he feared the end was in sight, CEO realized how right Mandark really was. CEO knew that after all the people he had killed in his lifetime, it was his right to die as well. Before long, he knew the end was coming. It wasn’t laid out in front of him, it was just an intuition he felt within him. He felt his life slipping away from him, and as easily as Mandark had left through time’s doorway, nothing of CEO was left but the painful memories that would forever haunt those he tortured in his cruel years of oppression.

I know, that kinda sux. But that is not the end. Yes, there’s more5

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