Dexter's Lab Porn

Dexter’s Laboratory Porn Story: Chemical Bonding Chapter 9

Dexter’s Laboratory Porn Story: Chemical Bonding Chapter 9


By Lennon Karma who cries tears on her pillow cuz she not allowed to MST5

(Cuz Sarah will find out and she’ll tell mom and I’ll be grounded and my parents took the stairs down cuz I’m grounded well I’m not really grounded yet, but I will be in big trouble if I MST just like when Sarah is eating bugs and I’ll be grounded. Sarah bad for Lennon Karma and Ed5)

Uh, maybe a kind reader could explain to me where that came from. Blame my parents, I guess. Well, you know the drill by know, and if you don’t I will challenge you to a duel! Choose your weapon. CHOOSE! The honor of Lennon Karma’s fanfics has been avenged. Then I will bake you cupcakes and say, “I don’t own any of da people, and pleez r & r.” Uh oh. FISHFACE! Could someone scratch my scales? Hyperintelligent Shade of Blue! Is that you raising your hand? (Sorry to Hyperintelligent Shade of Blue for that one. I’m high on caffeine. But if I’m gonna work on this I better calm down. Deeeeeeeeeep breath. Deeeeeeeeeeeep breath.) Now without any further nonsensical babbling, to da fic!

Chapter 9:

Destructive Interference

Mandark’s entire body convulsed as he braved his emotional uprising and entered his lab with CEO right behind him. Although the two appeared identical, anyone could perceive a difference. Mandark’s fear was evident to the self-important mind of CEO, and he reveled in it. Once inside the lab, Mandark’s fears were confirmed: there was #12, transformed to youthfulness as well, in a chair, ensnared by electronic shackles of ions with enough charge to destroy him with one touch. He looked over helplessly, seeing the two Mandarks. He now knew that it was this Mandark who had given him one perfect night in his long, exhausting career. #12 wanted to speak here and now; he wanted to disregard CEO and meet the arms of his lover again. What did it matter if Mandark was a part of CEO? It didn’t, to him. They were to different people here before his eyes. #12 wished it could be that way, but he knew deep down it couldn’t. Bound to the chair, he couldn’t move; and with CEO here, giving him the steely stare he knew so well, he dared not speak.

It was no different for Mandark; he wanted more than anything to run to #12, run to him and tell him everything would be okay. He didn’t care what CEO said or did. What stopped him from acting on his vision was his own uncertainty if everything would turn out all right. “#12!” he called out, but #12 responded only with a look that Mandark had seen too often on this sweet face. Losing all concern for his own well-being, Mandark ran to #12 and knelt beside him, resting his own hands on top of #12’s bound one, carefully avoiding the ions. They looked intently at one another, and no words spoken could have possibly said more.

CEO smirked to himself, seeing this as the perfect opportunity to keep Mandark out of his life for good. Being two forms of the same person had its advantages when they were allies, but when pitted against each other, CEO found Mandark to be more trouble than he was worth. Still, having been in this hopeless romantic stage at one point in his life, he knew Mandark’s weak spots like he knew himself. This gave him the upper hand, as Mandark had yet to find the CEO within him, and he had yet to know what drove CEO’s motives. Seeing Mandark and #12 together, it only reinforced his uncaring plans; not even one drop of guilt ran through his blood. To get the results he wanted, he had to make an offer Mandark could never refuse. And keeping Mandark out of his time and away from #12 while giving Mandark what he deserved already seemed like a good deal.

“Mandark, don’t you wish you could get #12 out of this?” CEO began, working diligently to contain his bottled excitement. He saw Mandark and himself as two different people just as #12 did, no longer wanting them to be seen as one and the same. “Well, if you take his place and never get in the way of my authority again, he will be fine.” Mandark knew that this meant never seeing #12 again, but he didn’t want to see any more harm be inflicted on blameless #12. Mandark turned his head, preparing to agree, but #12 quickly whispered to him, “No, don’t5” Mandark quickly responded, “Yes. But my future self will be the one who suffers.” Not listening, CEO shut down the electric charge, and dismissed #12 back to his own time. Shoving Mandark into the chair, CEO turned on the charge again. CEO rubbed his hands together, knowing he had Mandark in a deadlock. Mandark was fallen from grace, with nothing on his side but his love for #12. Even Mandark had to see the futility of fighting against this stonehearted superior intellect, but it was the point of no return.

CEO leaned his arms on the back of the chair, gazing absent-mindedly to the corner of the lab. “You don’t know just how foolish you really are, Mandark. You know he will only be beaten again once I get back to my office. Every time I see you, you remind me even more of our parents5” CEO’s voice trailed off. That was a mystery. Mandark remembered having journeyed to the future many times before, but had heard nothing of his parents. The way CEO said “parents” how most people would say “homosexual” made Mandark that much more suspicious. Sure, they weren’t as accepting of his scientific ways as he would have liked, but they were still his parents. Mandark shuddered to think of what CEO could have done.

Mandark’s eyes met CEO’s, but before he could ask anything, CEO told Mandark straight out, “You should thank me for ridding the world of them. I changed the chaos to order and light that day.” CEO paused, trying to repress a smile and depraved laughter. “They didn’t originally work for the corporation, only Olga and I did. They asked us to send them letters whenever we had the chance because we were never allowed to leave; only executives could. Everything was fine at first, until I was working for Douglas. I sent letters all the time, telling them about all I went through. Olga got answers to her letters every time, but when I wrote them these letters about Douglas’s immoral tyranny, I never even got one response! I must have sent dozens of letters, and not one in return. I knew they always disapproved of my love for science and my5sexual preferences, but couldn’t they at least bear to send me one letter to tell me they still cared?” CEO’s voice filled with an emotion Mandark had never heard in it before. He had heard it sound thrilled or furious, but now it sounded almost forlorn. There had to be another reason for why CEO was not receiving letters from his parents. They were broad minded enough to accept his scientific nature enough to let him pursue it, and they had always been determined to be loving parents. Another thing Mandark couldn’t figure out was how his parents found out he was gay. He hadn’t planned to tell them any time soon. He figured he must tell them sometime over the years. Whatever the case, for the first time ever, Mandark actually began to feel sorry for CEO, but couldn’t believe his parents would let him get like this and not take the time to send him a letter. As CEO stared reminiscing off into space, Mandark was convinced he saw CEO’s eyes sparkle with tears that had been held back for ages, longing to fall.

CEO would not let them, especially not with Mandark right there. Again restraining them, CEO stood up straight, continuing, “So I was even more dedicated to making it to the top, with or without their support. Although it was without their support, it didn’t matter to me. But still I was irate from the ignorance of the callous bastards, so I couldn’t just forget it. Since I was planning to expand my work force anyway, I called some officials to ‘recruit’ them and a handful of other citizens for me. They were at the bottom of the corporal ladder, and they took care of all the menial work, such as building the recreation suite that connects to my office, and later janitorial work and assembly of robots. Eventually this became obsolete, as their work was to be the function of the robots. With an overcrowded office and no other work to suit them, I could only exterminate them. I remember the routine on their faces so clearly as they sat in their chairs to work. Unfortunately for them, they didn’t know I sent a guard to each of their cubicles to ionize them. It was somewhat like a serious attack of static electricity, only much more interesting to watch!” Seeing Mandark’s horrified revulsion, CEO added, “Well, if it’s that bad, you can be glad it was over quickly. They probably didn’t even notice. They were alive one minute, and the next5″ CEO smiled humorously, still convinced that his employees were his pawns. He couldn’t see them as people, just as things who did his bidding automatically. “An executive leads a busy life.” CEO picked up again. “We only have time to fully discipline so many people. There aren’t enough hours in the day to do so. Fortunately, I have all the time in the world to persecute you as they deserved to be. You should thank me for this, as well. When it was me in your place all those years ago, this only pushed me harder on my path to where I am today. Believe me, after all you go through, it is worth it. Everyone has no choice but to do whatever you tell them, and if they don’t5well, you get to have a little fun.” And Mandark readied himself to be on the wrong end of this ‘fun’.

Now it was Mandark’s turn to feel the #12’s everyday suffering. Gritting his teeth and grasping the arms of the chair, Mandark took the blows as they came, not even bothering to distinguish one from another. It was all the same. Mandark shut his eyes at the sight of the blood and masses of raw flesh and strips of his shirt slipping from him to the stone floor. He didn’t make a sound, and he didn’t flinch in agony, not wanting to let CEO know how deep each strike sank into him. Each echoed numerous times from the walls. It took all the effort within him to avert his mind from the pain into thoughts of #12 and his love for him. And after an eternity of firsthand empathy for #12, it was over. The striking ceased, and Mandark opened his eyes slowly, dreading the sight that he would find before him. His arms, legs, and chest were swollen from loss of blood, and a deep indent in his left arm where blood and flesh had been slashed away gave him the sickening sensation that his arm was no longer there. What he saw horrified him, but what he found much worse was the thought that #12 had to endure this regularly. True, the pain was excruciating, but to Mandark was much more painful to watch #12 stand there and take it that have it be him in his place.

CEO released the bonds on the chair, freeing Mandark. Mandark tried to stand, but his legs were so shredded up with slashes that he fell to the ground almost instantly. A gently moan escaped him against his will to show no pain. CEO laughed a quietly triumphant version of his usual maniacal cackle, and taking his chair with him, CEO stepped into the time machine, saying, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. So this should make you a lot stronger. The office should be in fine hands when the day comes!” CEO called to Mandark in almost a brotherly affection as he disappeared. This made Mandark grateful that he had no brothers.

As he gingerly tended to his wounds, Mandark could only hear CEO’s words echoing over and over in his head, “You know he will only be beaten again once I get back to my office. You know he will only be beaten again once I get back to my office.” He hated to imagine #12 having to go through what he just had. Mandark cradled his left arm in his right, wishing that there was something else he could do. “You know he will only be beaten again once I get back to my office.” What could he do? Not much now. Unless5

As quickly as he could, Mandark was back to his lab entering the time machine. He set himself up to appear in #12’s time right before they left to come to the lab. In seconds, he was there, older, but equally dilapidated. The time machine was where he remembered it, at the far end of the recreation suite near the office itself. At the sound of approaching footsteps, Mandark staggered into the office, and as he did so, he could hear CEO speaking harshly to someone, then the sound of the time machine transporting someone. Moments later, he heard it again, and #12’s silhouette appeared through the curvaceous glass plates on the office door. Mandark opened it, nearly bumping into #12.

Shying away from Mandark, #12 turned to run, but Mandark said quickly, “No! #12, it’s me.” #12 stopped in his tracks, and turned smiling to Mandark. Seeing the bandages, #12 believed it. Mandark spoke again, “There’s no time; CEO will be back in a few minutes, and unless you want to look like this, we better move.” #12 nodded and followed Mandark out of the suite into the deserted hallways.

Once there, #12 couldn’t help but ask, “Where are we going?” Without stopping, Mandark answered, “I’m going to get you out of here. CEO is mad; he’s murdered his ex, his parents, countless others, and was probably thinking of killing me, his past self as well. What is going to keep you from being next on the list?” #12 swallowed hard, seeing the logic. Mandark was also sure the only thing that saved him from CEO was the fact that they truly were one and the same; killing Mandark would mean killing himself. Even CEO wasn’t that desperate.

The two made their way through the halls as quickly as they could coping with Mandark’s condition. After passing through a couple of halls, Mandark remembered a route to salvation. “#12, the Hall of Damnation is where my lab once was. I had numerous paths to the outside, and if they’re still there, you could get away from here forever.” #12 smiled graciously, but the sound of CEO’s severe voice calling him over the intercom sobered him quickly. Mandark and #12 sped up on their fearful passage to the last place CEO would ever think to look for them, and where #12 would find freedom.

After crisscrossing through various halls, they came upon the Hall of Damnation. Once inside, Mandark searched the walls for a codebox or a switch he had used as an easy way out of the lab in his younger days. At last locating one, he tried all the codes he had ever used, and one worked. A large stone in the floor raised up, creating a portal to freedom outside. #12 gently took Mandark’s hands in his own, softly saying, “Take my love, for love is everlasting.” Mandark pulled #12 closer to himself, replying, “I already have. To love another person is to see the face of God.” Overcome with passion for everything that was taking place at the moment, Mandark leaned down, kissing #12 much as he had the last time they were together. He didn’t want it to end, but for #12’s sake, as well as his own, he knew it would have to.

Mandark saw #12 off and wished him well, then quickly departed, wanting more than anything to be back in his own time. As he limped back through the halls across the path from which he had come, he was met with the sound of rapid footsteps, and a shadow appearing from around a corner that could belong to no one other than CEO.

In a panic, Mandark ducked into a nearby unoccupied cubicle. Slipping to the floor and leaning against the back of the desk, he was just out of sight as CEO poked his head in the door, and moved on. Mandark sighed silently, and falteringly stood up again. He did so much too quickly, and nearly collapsed to the ground again. He caught his balance on the edge of the desk, causing a drawer to partially open. After regaining his composure, Mandark hobbled to the front of the desk to shut the drawer, but his eyes unintentionally caught sight of the drawer’s contents.

He reached inside, retrieving a letter addressed to5CEO? The drawer was full to bursting of letters addressed to CEO. What were they doing here? This was cubicle #24! Examining it more closely brought the solution, and suddenly everything made sense. Mandark remembered CEO having said that he sent his parents infinite letters, telling them of the horrors he faced under Douglas’s power, but never received any response, while Olga, who was already an executive, had her letters answered all the time. And once CEO took over the corporation, he demoted Douglas here: to cubicle 24. Mandark could only imagine that Douglas had been keeping all incoming mail from CEO. Sure enough, every letter was addressed from his parents.

The letters lay in a scattered half-circle around Mandark, as he opened and read a few, just to see what CEO had been missing.

“Dear Susan,

We miss you so much. It’s disgraceful the way you are treated. You are in our prayers, and so is Douglas. His Fascism will only lead him into more misfortune. But that will never make up for what he has already done to you. Ocean Bird was terrified for you when she saw the drops of blood on your last letter. Please, son, understand that we are doing everything in our power to free you from the horrors you see and experience every day, but we aren’t having much luck. We love you very much, and want more than anything to bring you home.

~ Wind Bear +Ocean Bird”

This letter in particular out of the five or six he read struck Mandark as the type of thing that could have possibly saved not only all those who died at CEO’s hand, but CEO himself as well. The thought of all those lives brought back and replenished actually gave Mandark the dose of optimism he desperately needed. But the sound of hard approaching footsteps coaxed Mandark to abandon the letters, as he didn’t have time to put them back. He hurried back to the time machine, and was gone as quickly as he had come. At home once more, he crashed into bed for a much needed rest, and fell asleep instantly.

CEO stalked the halls viciously, looking for a trace of #12, realizing he was nowhere to be found. Although uncertain as to how, he was confident that Mandark had something to do with #12’s disappearance. Dejected, CEO was ready to admit defeat and give up the chase. He made his way back to his office, but as he did, he noticed something odd in a cubicle. Double taking, he stepped inside, to find the pile of letters covering the floor. He knelt down and went through them, shocked at what he found. Looking at the envelopes, CEO grabbed a fistful of letters, and screamed. “Damn you! Damn you people!” The words echoed through the halls. He tore open letter after letter and read the words he had been cheated out of years ago. As had Mandark, CEO could only assume that since this was the cubicle assigned to Douglas, and no one else would care enough to do this to him, it must have been Douglas’s work. Hot tears finally fell from his eyes, biting his cheeks.

He wanted revenge. But on who? Douglas was already dead, #12 was gone, and nothing could bring his parents back. That left only one person, the person who had caused him more grief than anyone else over the past few days. Mandark.

What made him hesitate was the fact that he had already done his share of work on Mandark not long ago, and he couldn’t kill him. Surrounded by the pile of letters, he came up with a brilliantly evil scheme once again. The problem was the solution. Letters were the answer.

In a flash, CEO was back in his office, scrawling away with a pencil. Compiling every thought he had ever had into an incredibly erotic tome, he folded it and hopped back into the time machine. Seconds later, the deed was done and he had returned, satisfied that this was the ultimate revenge on Mandark.

Mandark lay asleep on his bed, not waking to the sound of CEO creeping past him and carrying out his plan. That night, as Wind Bear tiptoed into the room he shared with Ocean Bird, he saw her leaning against the wall near the bed, reading something with a shocked expression on her face. “Ocean Bird, what are you doing?” he asked. She looked up quickly, answering, “I found this note our son wrote to some boy named Dexter. Wind Bear, our son is gay.”

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