Dexter's Lab Porn

Dexter’s Laboratory Porn Story: Lord of Darkness Chapter 5

Dexter’s Laboratory Porn Story: Lord of Darkness Chapter 5

Lord of Darkness V

By Lennon Karma (What a surprise!)

Guess what? I still don’t own any of da people from Dexter’s Lab. But guess what else? I’d still like to own Mandark. I’m just making sure no one forgets. Just for the record, this is the end of the saga, so don’t worry, your torture will be over before long. (I didn’t want it to end the way it did ‘cuz I think it kinda sux, but I hop you think it’s okay.) Thanks for your support for my first fic!!!

Chapter 5

Dark Past, Dark Future

The city was nothing short of amazing to Mandark. Making their way into the busy thoroughfares, he found it unbelievable that something so amazing have been hidden from him for so many years. Vehicles of all shapes and sizes raced through the streets, washing away any trace of the light hearted borough just out of sight in the distance. Brushing against Mandark’s arm, Autumn coaxed, “Can we go now?” Mandark pulled away, staring up in wonder at the incredible buildings looming over them.

The sky was beginning to darken, which in turn caused the whole city to light up. “Mandark,” Autumn pleaded. “My dad wanted me home before dark. You don’t know what the city’s like at night.” Looking back at Autumn’s pleading eyes, he reluctantly agreed, and they went slowly back the way they came. Without even having gone very far, Mandark realized the hard way that she was right.

The unmistakable crack of a gunshot tuned him in quickly. “Get it now?” Autumn asked, as she saw Mandark’s eyes fill with fear. Racing for their lives, they found themselves on the path out of the city again. “That place is full of gangs, drug dealers, and prostitutes. That’s why I really hate to go there.” Looking back at her, Mandark couldn’t help but ask, “If you knew it was like that, why didn’t you tell me?” Autumn looked uncomfortable, and said to him, “I didn’t want it to turn into a life story.” Perplexed, and determined to get the truth out of her, Mandark continued, “I told you about what I remember, now it’s your turn.”

Autumn looked grimly back at the city, and shivered. “That’s where my family and I used to live before we moved into your old house. It wasn’t as bad back then, or maybe we just didn’t notice. Whatever it was, the problem came up when my dad had apparently taken me out to the bazaar one day a couple years ago, when we came home to find my mother in bed with another man.

“My parents fought almost constantly after that, until one day, my dad couldn’t stand her doing this to him even though she promised to stop after every time. He told her, “This can’t go on. You choose what you want.” In the middle of the night, she came into my room and told me she was leaving, and rather than risk never seeing her again, I decided to go with her.

“The next few months were nothing short of a nightmare. We lived in the streets unless someone would take us in. She became a prostitute, and I mostly just stayed with the madam until she got back. One day, she didn’t come home, so I tried to find her, only to hear that she had been shot and killed by her latest customer, a drunk. I went back home not long after and stayed with my dad, and we took the first opportunity we had to get out of there.”

Mandark couldn’t believe his ears. This wonderful person, who had become his best friend in just hours, had lived on the streets. He couldn’t imagine anything so terrible happening to anyone. The silent walk back the house was filled with thoughts and memories, one of Mandark’s included his purpose for coming here in the first place, his own past, and his notebook.

The bazaar was a shadow of its former self: while the city came alive at night, the bazaar fell into a stupor. The musicians had long since disappeared, and much of the clamor had died down. Coming back down the dirt path to “their” house, Autumn instructed Mandark to wait outside her window so her dad wouldn’t worry.

Minutes later, she appeared again, opening her window and letting him through. “Thank you so much,” he said, “You hardly knew me and you actually treated me like I had a soul.” Smiling at each other, he remembered the notebook once more. “I should leave soon, but first, I should tell you why I came here, since you’re probably wondering.” Explaining the notebook, he watched Autumn’s brow furrow. “Well,” she confessed, “I don’t remember a notebook, but the spare room is full of a crapload of old stuff. We could look there, but I don’t guarantee we’d find it.”

Leading Mandark to the spare room, Autumn began skulking through the drawers of the dresser by the closet. Coming up with a large pile of various papers, folders, and photos, she dumped them all onto the bed. Looking through all the photos was a good time in itself. Most of the pictures were of Autumn making faces at the camera. One photo, a black and white one, caught Mandark’s attention. Holding it up, he saw that is resembled Autumn, but the face was older, finer, but still, there was a restless look in the eyes. “Who is this?” he asked, handing the photo to Autumn. “This is5well, was my mother.” She told him, sadly. Not wanting to say anything wrong, Mandark ended the conversation there.

As Autumn continued to be mostly interested in the pictures, Mandark began to search desperately for his notebook. Finding nothing, he couldn’t help but feel defeated. After all this, nothing? His eyes wandered aimlessly around the room, coming to rest on the open closet door. Climbing slowly up the wall, he saw a pile of old looking folders lying in a pile on a high shelf. Rising from the bed and slowly wandering in their direction, he filled with hope. He lifted the pile down from its perch, he went through them, finding several labeled “Science.” After lifting the covers of one after another, sure enough, he recognized his own handwriting.

He leapt from the closet, showing Autumn his treasure. She grinned broadly, looking at the cover. “We must have thought it was one of mine. It was somewhere in my room.” To busy celebrating to care where he had found it, he flopped down on the bed, squeezing the notebook to his chest. “Well, I’d better be going,” he sighed, happily. “Thanks again, Autumn.” Autumn smiled down on Mandark, “My pleasure,” she whispered, and pressed her lips airily against his. Shocked, but thrilled at his first kiss, he reached up, stroking her face.

Separating from his touch just long enough to remove her shirt, they resumed the kiss where they had left off. Autumn pulled herself closer to Mandark. His attempt to unbutton his own shirt failed. His sweaty hands slipped around too much. Autumn took over, unbuttoning it for him. Pressing against her felt incredible to him. Her warm body against his made him sweat rapidly beyond his control. Realizing he was still clutching his notebook with one hand, he released it to the floor, as more important matters were at hand.

Nervously, cautiously, Mandark touched her bare leg. Delicious to him. Perfect. He continued up until he reached her thigh. The soft curve of her body made him want to hold her like this forever and never let go. Remembering the man in the square from that morning, Mandark leaned forward, kissing her neck and shoulder. As he did so, she whispered the words, “I love you,” in his ear. Those were words that seemed foreign to him. They hadn’t been directed to him in years. Getting up quickly to turn off the light, Autumn let her shorts fall to the floor, revealing her silhouette in the now darkened room. He had never felt this way before. Not even for China Rose. Not even for DeeDee. This wasn’t a fantasy infatuation. It was more than distant admiration. This was something sweeter, kinder. Something that treated him right. It was honest passion for someone’s true self. This was true, wholesome love.

Later, in Autumn’s room, he bid her goodbye, he promised her he would come back to see her soon. Picking up his notebook, he added the fact that the coordinates to his home would be in the teleportation pod after his departure. “Goodbye.” She whispered in his ear. “Goodbye.” He whispered back. He stealthily shut the door behind him, and turned to go, but as hie did so, he came face to face with the last person he expected to see. Olga.

“Well, big brother, are at it again? I’d have thought you’d give up on your damn running away after last time.” Grabbing his wrist with much more force than was necessary, she dragged him back the teleportation pod, shoving him inside. She pulled the lever, they were gone.

Back in Mandark’s lab back home, he stepped out, trying to escape her, but to no avail. Spying the notebook tucked under his arm, a look of cunning spread across her face. “I see you found your notebook.” Confused, he asked her, “What do you mean “found”? And how did you know about it?” Olga rolled her eyes. “Only since I stole it from your lab!” Gasping, he backed away from her, but she knocked him backwards off his feet and held the knife to his throat. “If you say one word about any of this, you can consider this knife that much closer to your neck.” As she disappeared out the door, he assumed the only reason she was at all concerned was the fact that she’d get in trouble for following him. He however, knew that it was just as important for hi sake that he keep quiet.

Lying back on his bed, Mandark opened the notebook to later pages, and tried to find where his memory left off. As he did so, something crackly fell out. It was a pressed flower. Opening to the page, the first words he saw explained more than he could have imagined so few words could: “China Rose is dead.”

How could that be true? Certain he must be wrong, he skimmed the line again, only to confirm his shock. Reading on, he came to read that he remained besotted with her, no matter how she shunned him, only to find that one day she was dead.

“I didn’t care what she said or did. Even though she’s gone, she is still a part of me. One of her older brother’s best friends, a drug dealer in the city, got her to try LSD. It was only her second time, but it was enough to kill her. I’ve cried myself to sleep more than I want to think about. I just can’t believe she’s gone.”

After reading that sorrowful passage, he was certain that that was it, as it was the last page in the notebook. Feeling the pain he had felt as he wrote the words, a tear sparkled in his eye. Now he understood that she was a rose. She was beautiful and popular, but she did have thorns. And it was those thorns that made him bleed.

The next few weeks were a blur of the same routine patterned continuously across the days. He became lost in his own world once again, so distant that he didn’t once think of Autumn. His separation from the real world kept him confined almost exclusively to the lab when he wasn’t in school. Unfortunately, it didn’t separate him from the talk of his classmates. The words of DeeDee cut him the sharpest. He no longer pursued her, but her abuse followed him without cease.

One night, he sat in his lab, feeling a fire burning inside him, however controlled it was. It existed. It was years of emotion, being misunderstood, feeling hated and unaccepted wherever he went5 only one possibility remained in his mind. He tore a page from his notebook, scribbled some lines on it, and left it on his computer desk. Returning to his work, he pressed a series of buttons, creating something that would not allow him to turn back. Stroking its sleek black chrome, he was proud of himself. It was a gun.

The next day, he made his way to his geometry class. Sitting in his seat, he waited quietly for his tormentors to close in on their prospective prey. And sure enough, they did. Standing up, he whipped his pistol out of his book bag, holding it up, his face twisted into malicious expression. DeeDee, having had to repeat some classes over the years, remained with him in his geometry class. Aiming straight for her, he pulled back on the trigger, anxious to release it. Dexter, quickly jumping up to stop Mandark, ran straight into him, pushing him backwards off his feet. The shock of Dexter’s intervention caused Mandark to lose his grip on the trigger and fire.

Not wanting to see what had just happened, he forced himself to open his eyes. There lay Dexter, his ashen lab coat to be smeared with blood, which fell slowly to the floor. Dropping his weapon, he leapt to Dexter’s side. Dexter was his enemy, but had saved his life, which now didn’t seem like much of a service. “Mandark,” he breathed. Mandark was too furious at himself to speak. “Even if I had known that this would happen, I still would have done what I did that night in the warehouse.” All Mandark could manage to choke out was one word. “Why?” Looking up at Mandark through pained eyes, Dexter replied, “Because I’m not like you.” Rasping a few more uneven breaths, Dexter took no more.

The entire room watched in a fervent tension. Always having known Mandark as a submissive target, it was difficult to fathom the sudden role reversal. Releasing his hold on Dexter, Mandark rose to his feet, and raised his gun, aimed at the other students. Their eyes widened, which of them would be next? They soon found out. Turning the gun around, Mandark hissed through clenched teeth, “This was the best choice I’ve ever made.” And with one shot, he fell to the ground, blood soaking his shirt, and escaping him with his life.

Stepping through the teleportation pod into Mandark’s lab, Autumn called out his name. No answer. Wandering around, trying to find him, all she saw was a sheet of paper lying near his computer.


If you ever read this, I just want you to know that you were my best and only friend. Nothing you did was wrong. What I did I had coming, and nothing you could have done could have stopped it. I will always love you.


Autumn climbed out his window, walking down the street, not believing what she just read. Finally, she found herself in the churchyard. Wandering around at length brought her to a small headstone: Mandark Astronomenoff. Kneeling in front of it, Autumn lowered her head, whispering to Mandark. “Hey, Mandark. It’s me, Autumn. I’m really gonna miss you. Someone else will miss you, too. But don’t worry about her. I’ll make sure Susan will know how wonderful her dad was.” Slowly rising with her head low, Autumn made her way back to her gateway back to Flowertopia where she would soon have Mandark’s daughter, Susan. At last, quieted and undisturbed, Mandark was safe.

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